The past five days have been great time to settle in. We are getting oriented with our surroundings and meeting people here and there. We had a tour of the property on Friday and saw where we will be putting in our working hours. Our coworkers are all so friendly and we can’t wait to start working on Monday.
As far as home adjustments go, we are living in a guest home for a couple months and then moving over into one side of a duplex. I highly recommend sleeping under a mosquito net to everyone back home – it’s so much fun. And the great thing about falling asleep here is listening to the Ugandan bug night life – those bugs are loud!
Bugs and animals have greeted us (both dead and alive). Day one, a little green snake was hanging out on our couch arm. It was harmless, but it’s a good thing to kill first and ask level of dangerousness second. Day 2 we detected a funny smell and avoided it. Day 3 it was getting worse. Day 4 – it was a dead rat behind the book shelves. The thought of it still makes me ill. Sean and one of the locals named Fortune helped to clean it up, but I’ll spare the details of how this was done. One of those stick looking bugs was walking across the floor yesterday – his name is Sticko and we hope to see him again sometime.
So, tomorrow is our first day in the job and we are looking forward to getting started! and Shh.on
May this snake rest in peace
Resting after a long hike straight uphill
Sticko is trying to escape.
Welcome to our home in the guest house!