Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Beans & Babies

Babies- This little guy just came back from surgery and his mom brought him into the office. He was born with both of his feet facing inward. (I know there is a medical term for this, but the word is not coming to me). I visited his mother in April when he was only 2 months old. Sean’s office (Community Services) was able to help with the surgery cost and his feet look great! It’s hard to believe that he is 8 months old- he’s so little!

From Beans & Babies

From Beans & Babies

Beans- There’s a seed bank program and people are excited from the community- a lot of people came to sign up today for seed handouts. They will be required to give back some of the produce once the plants have matured- it’s a great way to help out needy people in the area. While these people were here- the community service office handed out beans due to the recent drought.

- Jamie

From Beans & Babies

From Beans & Babies

From Beans & Babies

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